Privacy Policy

JAW GAMES collects information about You when you create a User Account, subscribe to and/or use our Service. Our Privacy Policy applies to all Users who use our Service. Terms used with capital letters are defined in the JAW GAMES Terms and Conditions.


JAW GAMES collects User and/or Player data that you you provide us directly when creating or modifying your User Account and Player profiles; when taking out a Subscription and generally when you (and/or a Player) communicate with our Services. This data may include surname, first name, email address, title, telephone number, pseudonym, date of birth, postal address, number of people in the household and data necessary to carry out product testing and promotional activities.

The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated by an asterisk at the time of collection. Some data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the Website or through the Application.

When the User and/or Player logs into the User Account and/or accesses the Service, We also collect data in the following categories:

  • Transactional Data: We collect information about transactions related to the use of the Service , including billing amounts, subscription payment methods and other related information.
  • Service usage information and preferences: We collect information about how the User and/or Player uses the Service, their preferences and settings. In some cases, this collection is done through the use of cookies and other similar technologies.
  • Information relating to the technical and hardware environment: we may collect information relating, for example, to the type of hardware used, the system operating system, the names and versions of software installed to access the Service, the model of connected devices.
  • Data collected through third parties: We may also collect information from third party sources and combine it with information we collect directly from User and/or Player or through their use of the Service. For example, we may have access to data:
  • If you create a User Account or connect to a social network, we may have access to data about you:
  • From service providers who help us determine a location based on your IP address, and thus allow us to customize the Service as described in our Terms and Conditions;
  • From security service providers who provide us with information to protect our systems, prevent fraud, and help us protect the security of user accounts;
  • From payment service providers who provide us with payment or balance information, or updates to such information.


We may use all or part of the data referred to in Article 1 for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with an improved Service, make payments in connection with your Subscription, send you corresponding invoices, provide you with any support services you may request, send you software updates and administrative communications;
  • Prevent fraud and abuse in your use of the Service;
  • To carry out data analysis, research and monitoring of Service usage patterns;
  • To send commercial, promotional and other communications

We may share certain personal data about you with:

  • Third parties who provide and/or charge you for our Service;
  • Third parties with whom you choose to let us share information;
  • Our affiliates;
  • Certain third parties in connection with negotiations regarding a merger and/or sale of our company's assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or part of our business by another company.

Your data is hosted on JAW GAMES servers in Brazil, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Your personal data is not transferred or disclosed unless required by law or court order, or in the event that You and/or a Player wish to access the JAW GAMES Service outside of Brazil. In this case, User Account data is made available on servers hosted close to the User and/or Player's connection location.


The Service may include functionality that allows you to share actions that you carried out on the Service on social networks. Using this feature allows you to share certain information with members of your network or the general public, depending on the settings you have selected on the specific social network. We encourage you to consult the privacy policies of the relevant social networks for more information.


You authorize us to share some of your data with third parties for the purposes of audience measurement and analysis, to serve ads on our behalf, and to track and report the performance of those ads.


You have the possibility to modify and/or correct the information related to your User Account through login. You can also request the deletion of your User Account, in which case your data will be deleted within a reasonable period and maximum of one (1) month from the date of deletion, unless legal provisions require a longer period .

JAW GAMES reserves the right to anonymize your data in order to use it for statistical studies, development of new products, improvement of the Service, etc...

JAW GAMES reserves the right to anonymize your data in order to use it for statistical studies, development of new products, improvement of the Service, etc...


Your bank details are kept for the duration of your Subscription for the purposes of managing your automatically renewed Subscription.


You have the right to access, rectify and object to the processing of your personal data. This right can be exercised through a written and signed request specifying the address to which you must receive a response and accompanied by a copy of your identity document, all addressed to: Jaw Games, Avenida das Américas 3434, block 1, sala 505, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, Cep: 22640-102, or via the contact form available on the website. A response will be sent to you within one (1) month of receipt of the request.


When you browse our website, create a User Account and/ or use the Service, information may be recorded, or read, on your terminal, according to your choices.

Cookies are small text files that are used to store information in web browsers. In particular, cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on devices such as computers or phones.

You have the right to choose to accept or refuse cookies and other trackers that we use.

You can accept or refuse cookies that are not necessary to access the Service:

  • Authentication cookies: they allow you to authenticate yourself on the website, remember your user account information, your history, your preferences. These cookies are essential for your access to the Service.
  • Cookies for analysis and research: they allow us to carry out data analysis, research and checks on the use of the Service.
  • Cookies for advertising and remarketing: When you visit third-party websites that advertise on the Site or Application, or possibly when you view such advertisements, cookies may be created by the companies serving those advertisements. These third parties may use cookies as part of the JAW GAMES Service and are responsible for the cookies they set and their cookie provisions apply. For further information, you are advised to consult directly with such advertisers or third parties regarding their policies on the use of cookies.


You are informed that JAW GAMES may change its Privacy Policy, at particular to comply with applicable laws and regulations. You will be informed of any changes affecting our Privacy Policy and the date on which they will come into effect. After this date, your use of the Service will constitute your acceptance of these changes.

Last updated: November 2021.


The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is the Brazilian legislation that has for the purpose of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom, privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

The LGPD regulates how organizations must treat personal data, in a lawful and secure, guaranteeing data subjects knowledge and control over their personal information.

A Personal Data Officer (DPO) is a professional who, as his main task, takes care of issues relating to the protection of the organization's personal data, internally, and when dealing with requests from data subjects, externally. You can contact our DPO to request clarification, request rights and find out more about how we process your personal data using the form below.